Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tripp Allen Stewart 1/14/09

Tripp Allen Stewart
Thanks for the wonderful blanket Nany

Papa and Tripp

Sleeping sweet baby

He even has hair!!!!

Tripp arrived on 1/14/09! We are so excited!! He is so special!! Of course I am his mom -- so I am extremely proud. He was very polite about his with his entrance into the world -- he waited until after school to make an appearance -- that is a good thing!! Jett Henry (Mr. Smartypants) of course listens to everything I say -- and shared with his friends at preschool about Tripp's (Blueberry's) entrance in to the world --- This is what he shared according to Ms. Becky (thanks for sharing Ms. Becky:) Jett : My mom peed her pants once ....... peed her pants twice .....went to the Hospital and out came a Blueberry Muffin!!! Ms. Becky we have laughed and laughed about that for three days!!!!!

Anyway, Mr. Tripp is a laid back baby and is eating pretty well. He is pretty tired -- you know it is really hard being born! Other than that we are all doing great! My Mama is here helping me with the boys. Thank God for Mamas! I am glad to part of that wonderful group!


Anika said...

Jason - Hey! I just stumbled onto your blog and was so excited to see your GORGEOUS wife and kids!

It looks like the Stewart family is doing great!

Congrats on your new little one - He is super cute!

Worsham Family said...

Congratulations Stewart Family! Tripp looks super cute and I love Jett's version of events :) Love Shelli & Hailey

Unknown said...

I am so excited to have my new nephew here. He is so cute and know that Tripp and Kylie will be great friends. Thanks for letting me come by and hold him yesturday. He is so special. Take care! Love you guys!