Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our New Life with Tripp Allen

Jett has waited nine months to look at his feet!!
I was a little tired!

Jett and Tripp and Aunt Holly (The Fairy Godmother!)

The first look at his brother

We are getting into the swing of things with our sweet little boy! He has gained four ounces and he got the 'snip' today! Ouch! Anyway, he is really feeling yucky this afternoon. I am starting to get the swing of having two kids! I can't believe I have two kids! If I ever was cool -- I just lost all my cool when I have two kids hanging off me:) or just a different kind of cool!!! Here are some more of my favorite pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is just so sweet. I am so glad that Jett got to see and examine his feet. Feet must be his thing, because he was really interested in Kylie's. Hope you guys had a great trip down to see you family.
Take Care!