Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tripp's Seattle Dr. Appointment

We took Tripp to Seattle to check out his ear problem. The Dr. was great....he told me that cases like Tripp's are EXTREMELY rare. He sees the worst of the worst ...from several states....his recurrent ear infections even after two sets of PE tubes is rare and even he only sees 4 or 5 kids like him in a year. He explained that most babies like Tripp that have recurrent ear infections most often have trouble with pneumonia but he doesn't have any of that. He said he wanted to check his antibodies in his blood in order to check his antibodies. He explained that in extremely bad cases where babies get pneumonia all time they cut a slit back behind their ears to relieve pressure. But that isn't something that he thinks Tripp needs unless he gets lots worse...which probably won't happen. SO...check the antibodies and he said hopefully he will grow out of it! Gosh..lets hope...puss coming out your ears in college isn't cool. As far as adenoids being taken out..he says it may or may not we will continue to go to Dr. Ulnick in Moses ...he is great too....just thought we would talk to someone who sees lots of little people. The biggest thing I learned was that ...the waking up at night isn't a habit from ears that ...has gotten worse because he likes to be with his Mama. He actually said he needs some tough love....shout! I have been babying him. But best of all is we got to go shopping because we stayed in Seattle the night before the appt. and we saw the Snowflake parade at Bellevue was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! And we got to go with PENNA fun! This picture is not justice to how cool the parade was like a movie!


Courtney said...

Finally an update, I have been waiting for you to blog about it! I am such a bad friend! I should have called. I thought about you yesterday while I was with Becky! I am so glad things went well, Avery never had to get tubes but she had an ear infecton like every other weeek until she was 2! Poor guys, they hurt! Glad you got to do some fun things! I will talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear things went well...and that you got to have a little fun while you were over there :) Hope you guys have a good Christmas :)

Becky Noftle said...

I have been checking for this post too--all day yesterday but apparently not after 8pm!! So glad it went well. We said a prayer for you guys on the 22nd and I am soooo glad you had a fun safe trip with a knowledgable Doctor. It is good to know that he doesn't have the scary pnemonia part of this problem. Now if you can tough love that little cutie I will be impressed, I still have two kids drifting in and out of my room every night!! Although with Michael and I it's more laziness than a tough love issue! Merry Christmas!

My Life by Abby Sutfin said...

Well i am soo glad to hear that he shouldnt get worse ! And that he can grow out of it! LOL "baby him too much?" MOM how dare you!! :) Your a good mom!