Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tripp is Eleven Months Old

My sweet boy has grown too fast. How did this happen? He is now really walking...still crawls when he needs to get somewhere quick but....why do they have to grow so quick? I do not like it! He has 9 teeth! He has gotten two back teeth in the last week or so. He is really starting to talk. Uh-Oh, Jett, Dada, Mama, Tada, Peekaboo, hi and Papa is the newest one...probably cause Jett hasn't quit saying, " My Papa..." since we got home from my Mom and Dad's this weekend. Tripp's favorite things are playing peekaboo and cuddling with his Mom...what mom wouldn't love that? Let's hope he wants to cuddle when he 12.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Time Flys! Tripp is such a cute little guy and more and more fun everytime I see him. We love ya little guy! Ok Big Boy! Thanks Sybil for the other night. I am sure Kylie had fun playing at your house. Love you guys!