Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yesterday was Tripp's appointment with Dr. Ulnick. He had a hearing test. They are not sure if he hears out of his left ear or not. Sorta scary but that is all in God's hands. So I am not going to worry about that today. We are having surgery to have his second set of ear tubes put in. This is highly unusual to have a second set of tubes. Only about 10 to 20 percent of kids have to have a second set. Dr. Ulnick is worried because the ear infections have never subsided. He has had 4 ear infections since May. Ear infections with tubes are supposed to be reduced by 80 percent. But apparently not for Tripp. They are replacing his tubes tomorrow but this is not the last step. If the ear infections continue they will have his adenoids taking out after his first birthday. Sounds like no big deal -- just the fact that he is so little and where they go to take the adenoids out is extremely close to the brain. That has me a little concerned. Because of this unusual case the the fear of him getting immune to anti-botics -- I having him go to Seattle in December. I hoping someone there has the answer to solving his pain and hopefully saving his hearing. That is the biggest concern is saving his hearing. SO ....I was feeling a little sorry for myself and my son yesterday -- because I am home doing all this without Jason and -- then I remember -- GET OVER IT!!! We are praying for better results this time but still knowing all of this is in God's hands.


Katie said...

I'm sorry Tripp is having to have tubes put in again! Mom told me yesterday...and yes, you're so right that this is all in His hands. Tripp is sure a little trooper with all of those ear infections he's had. Glad you've got an appointment in Seattle to check it out as well. We'll say extra prayers for him to have an easy procedure tomorrow as well as a peaceful day for you.

Also, I LOVE that picture of the boys on your fall post! They're such cutie pies and just getting so big :)

Rylee and Parker said...

Thinking and praying for you little Tripp and your family. Love you tons.

Courtney said...

I am so sorry Sybil! Hope all went well! Take Care! Let me know if I can help!

Unknown said...

man sybil....sorry for poor little tripp. hang in there, hopefully you'll get some answers soon. let us know if we can help :)