Monday, March 16, 2009

Birthday Party

Cousins! We missed Maddie -- We love you!

Aunt Katie shaking her booty -- in the 'Dancing for Dollars game' Penna and I made up!
She is awesome!

Jett and some of his party guests!

Riding Bikes with Aunt J before his birthday!

Rosebud shaking her booty! Good Job, Rosebud!

Jett and Tripp on Jett's birthday!

Jett Henry turned five with some great family and friends! It was so fun! Thanks to all that came and helped Jett celebrate his birthday! He loved having you all!
Today, we went to the doctor for Tripp's 2 month check up and Jett's five year check up. Tripp was in the 95th percentile for weight and 50 percentile for height! I know -- he takes after my family -- at least I got one thing in there! Jett was in the 75 percentile for weight and height.


Katie said...

Too bad I wasn't a celebrity, Dancing with the Stars would surely be calling me for the next season, don't ya think?!?! Embarrassing!!!! Jett's party was a lot of fun, thanks for the good times and memories :) Love you guys!

Unknown said...

We had the best time at Jett's party. Thanks so much for inviting us. We will have to work on Rosebuds moves for the next dance off. I heard that Jett was a horse riding fanatic at your mom's this last weekend. Are there any pictures? We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sybil,

I'm so glad I can finally comment!! I guess I should register a "name" for commenting..but I honestly like being anonymous...?... Jett's special day was so much fun...and it's hard to believe my Jett Henry is 5. Great day.....Love to you all,

Nany Stewart