Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First loss...

Jett Henry is experiencing his first real broken heart. It is a parent watching your child feel so badly. Our little boy is losing his first horse. Spanky (the horse) that has given him the confidence to ride his pony -- is just too old -- Jason and I made the decision to put him down before he comes home from Lagrande. As I watched my little boy -- grieve as he gave his beloved horse a last kiss goodbye -- I realized -- this is the first step in letting my baby go-- he is growing into a young man that I will no longer be able to protect from all the heart break that will come his way -- the next step is kindergarten. As a wise person once told me....letting go is the hardest part -- so this week Jett and I are learning to let go -- he of his horse and me - letting go of him.


Courtney said...

Oh that is so sad! I feel so sorry for him, and you! Give him a big hug from us!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to loose that first love. Mine was Roanie and the hardest day of my life was choosing to lay him to rest. But with loss, comes change and new steeds. Without Roanie, I would have never had Harry (and roping was alway better than barrel racing, anyway). Hang in there, Jett.
Michelle Ward