Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It is here..

Tripp waiting to watch brother at the soccer game.

Jett's the blue team-- they get their uniforms next week.

Talking to his new buddies

Ready for soccer

We are parents of a soccer kid! Jett had his first soccer game on Monday. He was sooo funny! His team kicked the ball out of bounds and Jett kept playing and scored a goal. This is laid back soccer game.... so everyone cheered and he still thinks he actual scored one....it was sooo funny!!! Here are some pictures from the game.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that you have the cutest soccer kids I know. I am glad that he is having so much fun. Good for him on his goals. He is quiet a character. Tripp is getting so big so fast. What a little guys just going to soccer games. I love you guys and miss you guys so much. Take care and get some rest.