Saturday, February 7, 2009

A growing boy

Jett loving his brother

He looks scared here -- Jett was trying to get him to look at him:)

Tripp's first "Cowboy Shirt"

Tripp and a tired Dad

Showing off his thicker body -- praying he will get fatter

Tripp is growing everyday. He is addicted to his mom and is kinda fussing when I am not holding him -- I have spoiled him already! I love that he loves me. He is getting SO big-- literally he is huge. He still eats every two hours. During the night he sleeps for four hours and then has to wake up and eat. It is nice that he doesn't wake up every two hours during the night but in order to gear up for the night he drinks six ounces in an hour and half. He is an unbelievable eating machine! Jett is doing so well -- he is a big helper boy. He loves being a big brother and has been going with his Dad. He is a big worker man!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Such a precious baby boy and HUGE too!!! What a cutie pie :)
Aunt Katie