Monday, August 2, 2010

29 years

I am 29 years old today. Oh MY WORD!!!! How did that happen. I had a pitty party this morning. Decided that my life was pretty much a failure because of all the things that I didn't have the -- list was pretty long. Then, like usual, I looked at the world's cutest boys...and realized maybe not a complete failure...they aren't teenagers yet:) On this day every year for the past 28 years think of my Dad. I hope is proud of me Chicken Pox and all:) Oh yes, did I mention that on my 29th birthday I woke up with chicken pox. NO LIE. Couldn't have been better if I had planned it myself. I am covered in them. I guess the Doctor said it is actually a virus that mimics chicken pox. Apparently, I am not the only one two or three other parents have gotten them. My kids don't have them and said once the spots appear you are no longer contagious. The week before I strep throat, broke my finger, and hit my leg so hard on a barrel that I had a bump for a week and huge open gash. So, apparently my immune system was down.....wonder why? All in all, I had a great day considering. We went to Pendleton to a park, ate dinner at Hamley's and lots of shopping with only a few buys. But my kids had the best time with my mom and I. We had dinner with my family. My mom got me and few odds and ends. Jason had a ring made for me that has our brand and my family brands on it. It is very nice.
Here is to the last year of my twenties!

1 comment:

Rylee and Parker said...

Miss you and the boys already and you have only been gone a few days. Hope your first day back to school was a good one. Miss ya!!