Friday, April 24, 2009

Ear Infections

Jett feel asleep on Spanky's leggs waiting for his Dad!I love this picture!

Joely and Jett telling big 'wild wests'

Jett riding with his Penna!

Jett Henry and Spanky

I don't care who you are-- that is darn cute!

Yesterday, I headed out to take Jett Henry to preschool a 'normal' Thursday. I dropped Jett off and when I got home a went to get Tripp out of his car seat and there was puss running from his ear-- Tripp burst and eardrum again. I went to the doctor and we started the process of being referred to a specialist. This morning Tripp woke up and I ran in there and picked him up. His other eardrum had burst and now puss was running out of both ears. We have been referred to a 'ENT' Ear Nose and Throat Specialist in Moses Lake and have been in communication with Seattle Children's Hospital -- Monday we will be going to the ENT in Moses Lake. Hopefully, Tripp will just get ear tubes and everything will be fine from here. Please, pray for my sweet baby boy.

On a lighter note here are pictures of Jetter on his horse! These are so cute!

1 comment:

Rylee and Parker said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Tripp (and his mother) during this time ... please keep us posted. On a side note, Jetter Bug you are ADORABLE ... love the horse pics!! Miss you guys.