My favorite picture of you and your Dad!

Me and you!

You and your Dad!(Notice the cellphone Jett--somethings never change)

Uncle Ryan and Aunt J's wedding!

At the Ranch with your Dad!
Jett will be turning five in three days. I am not looking forward to him being a year older. He is my baby, my first born and growing into a great little man!(We hope this keeps up:) Since we are approaching his five year mark I thought I would share some thoughts with him about what his Daddy and I thought when we found out we were having him. Like many of you, I am going to have my blog made into a scrapbook and it will be a keepsake for my boys.
First, Jett Henry, I found out I was pregnant with you on July 12th. Your Dad was elated -- I on the other hand -- was VERY scared and a little confused. Your Dad was at a rodeo in Wyoming. I called him to tell him -- hoping he would be feeling like me scared but -- NOT AT ALL! He was sitting with all his buddies, I slowly explain that I was pregnant. He immediately turns to all his friends in a really loud voice and says, "I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!" He was so excited that he could not help himself. Your Dad really wanted kids and you were a dream come true for him. After I got him calmed down I told him that maybe we shouldn't share with EVERYONE for a few more weeks. But that lasted for like two minutes! When I went to pick him up at Elgin -- I hadn't seen him for a week or so -- everyone I knew kept coming up to me and tell me congratulations -- he couldn't hold it in! Funny, I know:) A week later when we had both agreed it was important to keep on the "down low" -- he apparently had a moment or two when he forgot because he told the rodeo announcer at Joesph and when he won the round that night the rodeo announcer said " And Jason Stewart is really excited because he is going to be a Dad"-- he lost his train of thought and got wrapped up in the moment and took two victory laps -- one for winning the round and the other because he was going to be a dad. All I have to say Jett is that is a lot of love:)! He is definitely Nany's son:) Your Dad was so happy that his excitement made the scariness fade for me until a couple days before you were born -- then I thought -- I am really scared and I wanted Penna! Luckily, Penna was there to help me and everything turned out great. When you were born and your Daddy and I looked at you for the first time -- all we felt was pure love for you! Even though, you looked like a little bulldog:)! Your Dad was so protective of you that he followed the nurses around and acted like a mean old mother cow -- he was just about hooking nurses left and right -- not joking Jett! Right now when I ask you what you want to be when you grow up -- you say a Dad! And it is because of the special bond you two share:)
Here are a few of our favorite memories over the past five years:
You walking at eight months
First ride on Daisy
You playing in backyard with Lulu
The time you got in the chocolate syrup
The first time you pretended to rope a calf with Dad
You wearing your tux @ Uncle Ryan and Aunt J's wedding
First bite of a lemon
First time riding a bike on your own
Playing bull with Dad
Swim lessons
Taking you to the beach
The words 'Cowboy Shirt'
Your face when you saw Blueberry for the first time
These are just a few moments that were so fun!
Love you Jett Henry!