Tripp, Jett and I went to Penna's last week. While we were there Tripp started draining fluid from his ear -- we rushed him to the walk-in clinic and they didn't know what was going on. So, I went home and went as quick as I could to our regular doctor. When we got there the doctor explained that his eardrum burst. And they had to do a spinal tap on him to make sure the infection had not spread to his brain. After a agonizing hour wait we found out it was localized in his ear. Thank GOD! We are so blessed. For the next three days we have to go to Moses Lake everyday because he has to have shots of antibiotics. One day of recovery and then I will be back at the hospital and doctor office for Jett to get his tonsils removed. So -- not much rest around our house but we are so lucky! The pictures of the boys were taken today! Tripp is a BIG FATTY! He weighs 12.3 pounds! He will be six weeks tomorrow. He also smiles now you can see his handsome grin in the pictures above!
Love to all.